Всем кому не интересен АРТРОК, а следовательно и НЕОПРОГРЕССИВ, лучше покинуть сей сайт!!! И НЕ НАЕЗЖАТЬ НА МОЮ ОДНУ ИЗ САМЫХ ЛЮБИМЫХ ГРУПП!!!!.......To all to whom is not interesting ART-ROCK and NEOPROGRESSIVE the request to leave this site!....And NOT TO SPEAK POORLY ON MINE ONE OF the most FAVOURITE GROUPS!!!! .....
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GREY LADY DAWN "Star-Crossed@ ©2001

Ура! Наконец то мне удалось достать этот диск. Помощь в приобретении оказал Сам Martin Wilson. Большое ему спасибо. И так о диске. Это самый навороченный и сложный диск. Частая смена ритмов, синкопирование, чередование новых мелодий всё это нам знакомо по предыдущим ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНЫМ дискам. Замена барабанщика заметно пошла на пользу группе. С первых аккордов слышен фирменный саунд GLD. Первая вещь напоминает лучшие композиции с первых двух альбомов. Во второй песне ВПЕРВЫЕ слышен меллотрон, и она совершенно не похожа на GLD. 3я вещь возвращает нас к прекрасному диску Crime(1994) настроение, звук, эмоции… всё это с Crime. 4я песня Fallen АБСОЛЮТНЫЙ ШЕДЕВР, композиция почти на 14 минут. В лучших традициях опять же Crime. Очень заметен возросший уровень музыкантов. Ещё нужно заметить что на гитаре играет Julian Hunt(если кто не знает, сообщаю: он был на первых двух дисках GLG, которые считаются лучшими в дискографии группы) прослушивание этого альбома доставило кучу прекрасных моментов. Ну а fallen это 14 минут сплошного НАСЛАЖДЕНИЯ. Не хотелось бы говорить о критиках, которые упрекают GLD в плагиате (якобы GLD ворует у Marillion) , вторичности, отсутствии оригинальности, излишней слащавости. Уж как я люблю ранний Marillion. Но вынужден признать, что GLD обогнали их по всем параметрам. А по сложности исполнения во много, много, много раз!!!!
И ещё должен сказать, что все диски этой замечательной группы, подлинной СУПЕРЗВЕЗДЫ современного арт рока достойны (как говорит мой товарищ Виталий Меньшиков, но к сожалению не о GLD) , быть вписаны ЗОЛОТЫМИ БУКВАМИ в историю артрока.
И самым большим разочарованием и потрясением для меня было известие о том, что группа уже не существует. Для меня это сравнимо по значимости с распадом моих любимых GENESIS!!
Оценка 11 из 12
В марте 2002 года создана новая группа Eden в составе трёх музыкантов из GLD
Julian Hunt: Guitars and Keyboards
Martin Wilson: Vocals
Phill Millichamp: Drums
А так же новых музыкантов
Adrian Dunn: Guitars
Pete Larrett: Bass guitars
По словам Мартина Вилсона преобладающим инструментом в этой группе будет гитара и стиль игры будет схожим с Dream Theatre и Creed. Это меня больше всего и беспокоит.
Вот что пишет сам Мартин Вилсон: «из пепла GLD …. Я приведу вас в РАЙ» Если бы!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Wilson
To: edenmusic@hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 10:08 PM
Subject: Fw: Out of the ashes of GLD ............I bring you EDEN..............


As you may already know Grey Lady Down have now dispended. This has been a sad time for all the band, after 10 years it has been a major part of our lives. I'm also realise that some of you are still awaiting promo's of the Star-crossed album, this I promise will be shipped over the next 7 days now things have settled down a little.

All is not lost though, I can now proudly announce the arrival of Eden...Please see the press release below......

Thanks for your understanding and again the promo's will be sent this week....

Many thanks for you support



Frank.......I'll get back to you re your Idea...sounds very interesting...M
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Wilson
To: edenmusic@hotmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Out of the ashes of GLD ............I bring you EDEN..............
From the ashes of GLD, Eden have arrived...
The band first got together mid March and have been working over the past few weeks on Ideas. The main direction is a more guitar based style. I guess if we had to pigeon hole, the style would be Dream Theatre meets Creed meets GLD, but at the end of the day we will write what we write...

The main protagonists are ex GLD people

Julian Hunt: Guitars and Keyboards
Martin Wilson: Vocals
Phill Millichamp: Drums

Joined by the Excellent

Adrian Dunn: Guitars
Pete Larrett: Bass guitars

A web site is being planned and will soon be up and running, however if your readers or listeners want further info they can Email the band on

If you guys could add this news to you website, magazine or broadcast then that would be fantastic.

We will keep you informed as things develop, these are early days but the future looks very, very bright indeed..

Thanks guys...


Hurrah! At last that to me was possible to get this disk. The help in purchase has rendered Itself Martin Wilson. Large to him a thank. And so about a disk. It is most Very complex(difficult) and complex(difficult) disk. The often change of rhythms, sinkopes, alternation of new melodies all it is familiar to us on the previous REMARKABLE disks. The replacement drums appreciablly has gone on advantage(benefit) to group. From the first chords is audible firm sound GLD. The first thing reminds the best compositions from first two albums. In the second song FOR THE FIRST TIME is audible mellotron, and she(it) is absolutely not similar on GLD. Third a thing returns us to a perfect disk Crime (1994) moods, sound, emotion … all it with Crime. fourth a song Fallen an ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE, composition almost for 14 minutes. In the best traditions again Crime. The increased level of the musicians is swept very much up. Still it is necessary to notice that on a guitar plays Julian Hunt (if who does not know, I inform: he was on first & two disks GLG, which are considered as best in the discography of group) listening of this album has delivered a heap of the perfect moments. Well and fallen it is 14 minutes of continuous PLEASURE. It would not be desirable to speak about goats- writers(critics), which reproach GLD in plagiate (ostensibly GLD steals at Marillion), second hand, absence of originality, excessive sweets. As I love early Marillion. But is compelled to recognize, that GLD have overtaken them on all parameters. And on complexity of execution(performance) in many, it is a lot of, many times!!!!
And still should tell, that all disks of this remarkable group, original SUPERSTAR modern ART-ROCK are worthy (as my comrade Vitaliy Menshikov speaks, but unfortunately not about GLD) to be entered by the GOLD LETTERS in a history ART_ROCKS.
Both the largest disappointment and shock for me was news that the group does not exist any more. For me it is comparable on the importance to disintegration mine favourite GENESIS!!
Rating 11 of 12
In March, 2002 the new group Eden in structure of three musicians from GLD is created
Julian Hunt: Guitars and Keyboards
Martin Wilson: Vocals
Phill Millichamp: Drums
And as new musicians
Adrian Dunn: Guitars
Pete Larrett: Bass guitars
On words Martins Wilson the prevailing tool in this group will be a guitar and the style of game will be similar with Dream Theatre and Creed. It also disturbs me most of all.
That writes itself Martin Wilson: " from ashes GLD …. I shall bring you in PARADISE " If!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Wilson
To: edenmusic@hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 10:08 PM
Subject: Fw: Out of the ashes of GLD............ I bring you EDEN..............


As you may already know Grey Lady Down have now dispended. This has been a sad time for all the band, after 10 years it has been a major part of our lives. I'm also realise that some of you are still awaiting promo's of the Star-crossed album, this I promise will be shipped over the next 7 days now things have settled down a little.

All is not lost though, I can now proudly announce the arrival of Eden... Please see the press release below......

Thanks for your understanding and again the promo's will be sent this week....

Many thanks for you support



Frank....... I'll get back to you re your Idea... sounds very interesting... M
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Wilson
To: edenmusic@hotmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Out of the ashes of GLD............ I bring you EDEN..............
From the ashes of GLD, Eden have arrived...
The band first got together mid March and have been working over the past few weeks on Ideas. The main direction is a more guitar based style. I guess if we had to pigeon hole, the style would be Dream Theatre meets Creed meets GLD, but at the end of the day we will write what we write...

The main protagonists are ex GLD people

Julian Hunt: Guitars and Keyboards
Martin Wilson: Vocals
Phill Millichamp: Drums

Joined by the Excellent

Adrian Dunn: Guitars
Pete Larrett: Bass guitars

A web site is being planned and will soon be up and running, however if your readers or listeners want further info they can Email the band on

If you guys could add this news to you website, magazine or broadcast then that would be fantastic.

We will keep you informed as things develop, these are early days but the future looks very, very bright indeed..

Thanks guys...

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